Tuesday 15 January 2013

Quantitative Results

I have finished of my questionnaire were I have asked 20 people about R&B Magazine and what they thought of it having potential reader profile helping me with my market research . In the first part I tallied up the quantitative data into a Bar chart using Microsoft Office Excel and I will be analysing the results which I found. This is an image of all 20 quessionaires which I filled out.
Question: How old are you? -The majority of the people who has filled out my questionnaire were 17-18 this is in the same age range as myself but I did try and pick more people who are at an different age range and only had 5 responses this is not bad because by looking at the different age ranges I have already related to R&B as they do not have a specific age range and by this I have got a mixture of feedback on what I can add to my R&B magazine and I saw that even though the age ranges are different what they answered and chose for an option was similar.
Question: What is your favourite Sub genre? -To ensure that I was doing a well-known sub-genre I have asked the question in my market research which is their favourite over all, 13 out of 20 had chosen my sub-genre which reinsures me that my genre is highly popular and my potential target audience already would relate to my work. This has gave me more confident that I have chosen a good sub-genre as I personally can relate more as I also listen to R&B music, I can also have more input from the market with more samples of my work as they like R&B.
Question: What attracts you most to a cover of an R&B Magazine? -The reasoning why I asked this question was to see what the audience thought what would have the most effect on the cover of the magazine. I had an idea which was my own and that was the main image of the celebrity, this was then confirmed when 14 others also said that the main images attracts them most. With this information I now have to make sure in my magazine that my main image has to stand out and be the most effective as it is what people mainly look for this in an R&B magazine. A few people did also choose heading, but this was only because they had a customer loyalty which is buying a specific brand over time. I added in the option of freebies but only one person chose this, I believe this is because my audience is more mature and if I was doing a magazine for kids freebies would be more effective.
Question: What do you like about the contents page of the magazine?-In most R&B contents pages the image still over takes the text, even this is done in most magazines, I wanted to know if this was what my audience also preferred. The response I received was that 11 out of 20 did also agree to this, this shows that a majority of the people do prefer image over text. As they do this in most R&B magazines I will also have to do this. I also found that text and quotes are important as they pull the reader in more, I have to think about how I will set my contents page out using this information.
Question: does this double page spread catch your eye? -I chose this double page spread purposely because it was one of my favourites and I had some ideas on how I would present mine using similar effects. I wanted to know if it was as effective as it was for me to others also. The feedback which I received was 16 out of 20 said yes this was a good response, as I can now use ideas from this contents page on to mine.

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